How would I go about making a character start of as a baby then in time he/she would grow up into their child age, then teenage then into their adolescent age?

I dont know if thats a good explanation as to what I need but I hope you get what I am after as I dont know how to go about this. So any help would be much appreciated ^_^

I think I posted this yesterday..

age = 1
maxage = 100
while(age != maxage)
if(age == 10)
icon_state = "pre-teen"
if(age == 13)
icon_state = "teen"
if(age == 18)
icon_state = "adult"
if(age == 49 && <=99)
icon_state = "senior"

Or just make an icon_state numbered with the age for each stage and do:

list/ages = list(10,18,49)
icon_state = "[age]"//Make sure you have the "" icon_states MUST be a text string

//Make sure if you use this example you don't forget the age() proc from the first example

If it doesn't work sorry I'm not in a good coding condition.
In response to Nadrew
[link] please answer my question now this one has been answered
In response to Raiden2k2
I don't like it when people do that, it's annoying (LJR, I'm talking about you, too!) just hold your horses and you'll get some help. I already helped you.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
I think I posted this yesterday..

> mob
> var
> age = 1
> maxage = 100
> proc
> age()
> while(age != maxage)
> sleep(400)
> age++
> agecheck()
> agecheck()
> if(age == 10)
> icon_state = "pre-teen"
> if(age == 13)
> icon_state = "teen"
> if(age == 18)
> icon_state = "adult"
> if(age == 49 && <=99)
> icon_state = "senior"

Or just make an icon_state numbered with the age for each stage and do:

> mob
> var
> list/ages = list(10,18,49)
> proc/agecheck()
> if(ages.Find(age))
> icon_state = "[age]"//Make sure you have the "" icon_states MUST be a text string
> //Make sure if you use this example you don't forget the age() proc from the first example

If it doesn't work sorry I'm not in a good coding condition.

Thanks Nadrew, I will try this out ^_^

Also you dont have to be sorry if it doesnt work! I know you dont get much sleep, and if it doesnt work I will try to solve the problem if I cant I will come back for more help.

But like I have stated before in IM's with you, YOU NEED TO SLEEP MAN! I know you have said you aint got the time but at least take alittle break from here and get some sleep. You need it.

Thanks again ^_^

Make it based on experince points!

Or you could just make a age proc for the mobs put on a very long timer, so you only had only so much time to play the game.

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
Make it based on experince points!

Or you could just make a age proc for the mobs put on a very long timer, so you only had only so much time to play the game.


Its going to be on a VERY long timer ;)

I am not basing it on Experience points because most people find away around this and get huge ammounts of it somehow. So experience points are out of it ;)

They have to wait for the timer to work its way around.
