How do u make things like walls blow up when you use an item and then the wall or what ever respawns in the same place?
The easiest way is magic. Failing that, you'd need manpower and capital resources to make it work. If you want to do something similar in BYOND, however, here is a useful sample code:
parent_type = /obj
icon = 'Wall.dmi'
icon_state = "Standing"
world << "[src] blows up!"
src.icon_state = "Rubble"
for(var/Wall/W in range(1))
if(W.icon_state = "Standing") W.blowup()
src.icon_state = "Standing"

Good luck!

-Lord of Water
Yamama wrote:
How do u make things like walls blow up when you use an item and then the wall or what ever respawns in the same place?

Look through Code Problems or Newbie Central for a post made by Shadowdarke that contains the word "spawn". Use the Search tool to help you. It's your best friend!