Can someone please explain overlays?
Overlays are visual effects that appear on top of an atom depending on what layer they're on.

usr.overlays+='icon.dmi'//One approach is adding icons

Another approach for more control is adding objs to it:

icon = 'icon.dmi'
icon_state = "state"
layer = MOB_LAYER+1//appears on top of mobs

In response to Nadrew
well when i create items in my game the blackness that is not filled in on icon maker is covering the bottem tile, how do i fix this?
In response to Tazor07
If you want the parts of the icon to be transperent, click the color in the top left corner of the color pallet and use that on transpernt parts.
In response to Nadrew
o ok thanks nadrew

-Drakee Guy