alrighty, If i have-
people.len ++
people += M
var/who = input("Who will you choose?", "Who") in people

shouldn't this list every mob in the game and let you choose one? When I do it, it automatically (no input popup) selects the user.
do you mean somthing like this:
Who(M as mob in world)
usr << "Name: [M]"


if not when i get home ill try some other ways and post them.
- RaeKwon
You could just pass what you want into the argument of the verb:

mob/verb/blah(mob/M as mob in world)//this will prompt you to select someone in the world if you're the only one in the game it will select you
usr << "You picked [M]! Don't you feel happy?
In response to RaeKwon
Actually, no he doesn't. mob/M defines M as a mob as where M just defines a var, so he could not do anything with mob vars, within that verb.

You also don't need to incriment the length of the list, that is done automatically when you add things to it.
In response to Rcet
No, who(mob in world), wouldn't work. it isn't a verb. it's more like this-

var/action = input("What do you want to do?", "Huh?") in list("Who?", "What?", "Why?", "Where?")
if(action == "Who?")
action = input("Who?", "Huh?") in list //this is where I would need a list of the people...

You see, the way you suggest it wouldn't work, since the verb does multiple things.

In response to Airson
guess what? It works fine like i had it...