Does anyone know of a gm code that i can have besides u_control and s_admin? I would really appreciate it!
You can make your own.
In response to Nadrew
In response to O0AlienMan0o
Learn to code first, second code your very own admin commands.
In response to Nadrew
where can I learn the code?
In response to O0AlienMan0o
I didn't say the code I said to code, big difference.
In response to Nadrew
I know how to code!
In response to O0AlienMan0o
Then you should be able to code your own commands.
In response to Nadrew
Can you start me off
In response to O0AlienMan0o

key = "Your key here"
usr << "You're an admin, duh!"
In response to Nadrew
Do you have GM codes
In response to O0AlienMan0o
Yes. They're on my computer and staying there.
In response to Nadrew
Are there any other advanced people who can help me (thank you nadrew)like spuzzum?
Learn to program your own commands. Say, if you want to set your own command for changing your icon, you would do this:

ChangeIcon(I as icon)
usr.icon = I

And allow only yourself to have those kind of commands.
In response to O0AlienMan0o
I could help a bit.

try this:

key = "your key here"
mob/GM/verb/boot(mob/M in world,reason as text)
set category = "GM Verbs"
set desc = "Boot an annoying player"
M<<"You have been booted for [reason]"
world<<" [M] was booted for [reason]"
del(M)//Deletes the current annoying person

It's not much but its a start.
