I defined one of my verbs as such:

Join_Party(mob/PC/M in oview(5))

but it can also be used to target NPCs. How can I limit the targets to PCs?
You just check to see if its a client.
My_Verb(mob/M as mob in oview(5))
if(M.client) // if the mob is a client
//code here
return 0 // do nothing

Hope i helped...

The way you've written it, it will show up when you right click on anything in oview()...

The best way to do this is to redefine the verb with the target as the src:

mob/pc/verb/join() //no argument here!
set src in oview()

Then you just have remember that usr is the joiner and src is the mob being joined.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
thanks (to both of you) for your help