this question has to do with teleporting from onemap to the other (by an icon). lets say i have 2 maps, the 1st being a forest map, the second being a town map. how would i go about putting an icon that would teleport you from the forest map to the town map?

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In response to Foomer
the one thing that gets me is the z coordinate. how do i put a map in this area?
In response to Soshin
Z coordinates basically represent a number for each map. Map 1, map 2, etc... If you go to Z level 7, you're going to map #7...
In response to Foomer
As a side note, to prevent meaningless headaches...

The compiler dumps all the maps ontop of eachother at compiletime into one big map, and changes the z levels accordingly(last map to be compiled = z1, second last map = z2, first map to be compiled = lastz)

A lot of people use an object to keep track of the different maps, so you will have an easier time teleporting to different locations. That way, instead of having to change variables every time you add a map, you can simply teleport to z_forestlevel. Let me give you an example

var/list/ztrackers = list()
ztrackers = new()
for(var/obj/ztrack/T) // for every ztrack obj
ztrackers += T // add T to

return 0 // dont let it move

mob/verb/teleport(T as obj ín ztrackers)
if(isnull(T.z)) return 0
if(T.z > world.maxz) return 0
if(T.z < world.maxz) return 0 // these are just incase the value is out of the actual world
src << "Vroom! Your now at Z level [T.z]"
src.z = T.z

Keep in mind this is completely untested, and I haven't touched BYOND for a while so im a bit rusty. It should give you a general idea though.