Suppose locate(1,2,3) goes to a turf names "Happy Land". That's great. But how can I figure out which x,y,z coordinates belong to this particular "Happy Land"?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking..

If you have a reference to the turf, you can use its x, y, and z variables to get that. Is that what you mean?

In response to AbyssDragon
I just need to find out what xyz coordinates a certain turf represents.

Example, if I want a for() proc to run through every turn in the game and message it's coordinates to the world... I'm not sure how to have a turf find out what its own coordinates are.
In response to Foomer
Every atomic object (that includes turf) have an x, y, and z variable that will give you their respective coordinates.

Here's how to list through all turfs and output their coordinate location:

for(var/T as turf in world)
world << "([T.x], [T.y], [T.z])"

In response to AbyssDragon

Every atomic object (that includes turf) have an x, y, and z variable that will give you their respective coordinates.

I did not realize that...