I was thinking of adding the ability to create new entries in the savefile through input windows in my FileSearch library. A feature that I'd like to include in that is the ability to change the stats of that mob/obj then resave it in the savefile. The only problem is that I don't know what variables the mob or object is going to have.

Is there anyway to find out what variables (either included variables like name or programmer added variables) a mob or obj has? Sort of like typesof...

On a side note, when you save a mob like this:

F["character"] << M

How does it actually store its stats so a generic mob isn't created when it is loaded? This may be the key to knowing what variables it has...
I'm not sure if this works:

var/newvar = input("Here's a list of your vars")in usr.vars

It should return a list of all vars in the user.
In response to Nadrew
yes it does, thanks :)

That was a lot simpler than I thought it would be.