my game isnt working i got every thing right icons map dm but when i enter the games black....and it shows nothing could this be because where i put him on the map?
Make sure you don't have a dense object where you are moving the user to.

BountyHunteR wrote:
my game isnt working i got every thing right icons map dm but when i enter the games black....and it shows nothing could this be because where i put him on the map?

90% of the time this happens because someone overrides the mob/Login() proc but doesn't call ..() within the proc.
// ..() belongs right here
world << "[name] arrives!"

The reason the map displays black in these cases is because mob.loc is never set, so it remains null. The default Login() proc, called by ..(), places them at locate(1,1,1) on the map. You don't have to call ..() if you place the mob yourself, though:
world << "[name] arrives!"

Bear in mind that Move() is a bad idea to call within Login(), because it will fail if you try to move your mob to a dense location (which includes any place another player may be standing). You should simply set loc directly here.

Lummox JR