mob/var/speed = 3
mob/var/walk = 1
usr.walk = 0
usr.walk = 1
else return

this is the code i am using, when you create a char it
works fine but when you try to load that char again it just goes to a blank screen, and since im the gm i tried locale to see if it transported me somewhere so i could find the problem but it says nowhere. and there isnt a single Del in my whole code, (its alpha very little)

someone please help out thx
I doubt it's a problem with a movement code, more likely you're just not loading the character properly; that is, you're not placing them onto the map correctly.
In response to Foomer
when i take away this code, the character creation works fine,
Hgame9 wrote:
mob/var/speed = 3
mob/var/walk = 1
usr.walk = 0
usr.walk = 1
else return

The reason this is giving you a blank screen is that Login() calls Move() to put the player in place, but the only time you call ..() is when usr.walk is nonzero. (BTW, this should be src, not usr. Don't use usr anywhere in Move().) You should be all right if, aside from changing usr to src, you change the last line to this:
else return ..()

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Theres no blank screen anymore but now the speed var doesnt change anything, everything goes the same speed, it just basicly turned of that code
In response to Hgame9
Hgame9 wrote:
Theres no blank screen anymore but now the speed var doesnt change anything, everything goes the same speed, it just basicly turned of that code

That means your speed code never worked in the first place. Since when you first put it in, you had the blank screen, you couldn't see if it worked or not. But the essential problem was in not calling ..() during Move(). Your speed code can now be tested and fixed.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
well acctualy the blank screen only started when a person logged in to there name the second time, when you first create a character there is no blank screen, and the code works perfectly, then when a char logs out then back in its blank