Hello again,

I would like to be able to place objects on the map that would only be visible to the user.

For example, if I had some playing cards that I would want to show to me and no one else, how would I do that? Is there an object property that I'm missing?

Use the image() proc. I think thats what you are looking for.

There are two ways to do this. Which one is better depends on your situation. For the first, look up image in the reference. Images stay attached to their mobs/objs/turfs/whatever, regardless of where they go on the map.

The other way is new only in the BYOND beta version (actually now that I think of it, images are also "new", but the image proc is backwards compatible with the release version). About halfway down in the notes is information about client/var/screen and atom/var/screen_loc. Using this approach, the images stay fixed on the screen, regardless of where the player goes on the map.

Pretty advanced stuff for a newbie!