Besides the Reference,Guide,Tutorials,and the FAQ.Is there any thing else to read to become a good coder?i want to become one.If you know something please tell me.Thanks!
Get some money and buy the Blue Book, I personally don't have it meaning the reference, FAQ, and guide were enough.
Dragoon0954 wrote:
Besides the Reference,Guide,Tutorials,and the FAQ.Is there any thing else to read to become a good coder?i want to become one.If you know something please tell me.Thanks!

The best thing to do to learn anything is practice. The more you try the better you'll get.
If you are referring to coding in BYOND *only*, then by all means get the BlueBook - it is worth the $20. And subscribe to the BYONDScape site - another good reference that is constantly growing.

And as Theodis pointed out, practicing and experimenting will always improve your knowledge...Sucking up the 'useful' content in these forums is not a bad idea either - I am often lurking through here for tidbits of info...

If you are interested in coding standards and practices, try the following links. They cover concepts and practices in use by many C/C++, PHP, and Java programmers - much of which can apply to beyond too since it is also an Object-Oriented language... index.html

Most good references to Object Oriented Design (OOD), and Obeject Oriented Programming (OOP) can be useful in being able to code well in BYOND. The guru of Java Object Orientation, Bruce Eckel has to say, "Object-oriented programming appeals at multiple levels. For managers it promises faster and cheaper development and maintenance. For analysts and designers the modeling process becomes simpler and produces a clear, manageable design. For programmers the elegance and clarity of the object model and the power of object-oriented tools and libraries makes programming a much more pleasant task, and programmers experience an increase in productivity. Everybody wins, it would seem.

If there is a downside it is the expense of the learning curve. Thinking in objects is a dramatic departure from thinking procedurally, and the process of designing objects is much more challenging than procedural design, especially if you are trying to create reusable objects."

Mr Eckel has a great Java Book that can be downloaded for free at ... although Java and BYOND are different languages, they both are OOP languages, and the thinking methodolgies in this ebook can apply easily.

I suggest the blue book, or, my tutorial if you are totally new to coding. You can find my tutorial here:

Although the last part is totally screwed up because i wrote it around 5 AM, i will fix it once i get the chance.

In response to Theodis
You are right on that Theodis. I've come a bit of a way in DM by practicing... But I'm more of an icon maker of medieval weapons.
