You guys have been extremly helpful, I know my questions have seemed a little basic at times and repetative at others but I have made amazing progress in my project from the help you have given me. it has also allowed me to get more comfortable in researching things on my own without feeling completely lost. Which I did at the beginning.

I do have another question though. I want to make my game turn based with cards for the players.
This incorporates a whole list of questions but I will stick with one for now and try to work out others on my own to start with.

I was going to create the cards as items and give them verbs for their actions, then put them in a list to "deal to the players"

how would I "deal 10 cards to each player"?
each card is a seperate obj card1, card2 ...
would it be easiest to put the cards into a players "Hand"/inventory, or is there another way to do it?

I have another question related to making the game turn based, but I have some ideas on that so I will persue those first.

again thankyou all for your help.

I would make an associative list:

var/list/cards = list("1" = new /obj/card1, "2" = new /obj/card2, "3" = new /obj/card3)

I would then place 2 random cards in the player's hand:

var/cardnum = rand(1,3)
var/newtype = cards["[cardnum]"]
new newtype (usr.contents)

Looping through that a few times would place a few cards in the player's contents. Expand on that system, and you'll be clipping along in notime.

-Lord of Water, with frozen hands. :-(