How do you stop a player from talking?The reason i want to know that because i want to put it on GM Verbs in my game.Plzzzzz tell me.Thanks alot!
Don't give them a talk verb seems like the easiest approach.
Saibaman4 wrote:
How do you stop a player from talking?The reason i want to know that because i want to put it on GM Verbs in my game.Plzzzzz tell me.Thanks alot!

The first question is: how do you let a player talk in the first place? There are approximately a billion and one ways you can do this, so consequently, there are a billion and one times a billion and one ways to stop it. We need to know what your say verb (or equivalent) does first.
In response to Air Mapster
i have i have 5 talk verbs,Oh yeah and mute for a certain time.
//Say Command
mob/verb/Say(T as text)
set category="Communication"
world << "[usr] : [T]"

//Shout Command
mob/verb/Shout(T as text)
set category="Communication"
world << "[usr] shouts: [T]"

verb/OOC(T as text)
set category = "Communication"
world << "\icon[usr]\red \<[] [T]"

//World Talk
verb/WorldTalk(T as text)
set category = "Communication"
world << "\icon[usr]<font color=green>*<font color=red>*\white \<[]> <font color=green>*<font color=red>*<font color=blue> [T]"

In response to Saibaman4
Alright then. Probably the easiest way to do this is to remove all of those verbs when a player is not allowed to talk, and give them back when a player is allowed to talk. I'm assuming you want to reserve this functionality for GM type players only, so I'll show an example for a GM verb:
mob/GM/verb/mute(mob/M as mob in world)
M.verbs -= /mob/verb/Say
M.verbs -= /mob/verb/Shout
M.verbs -= /mob/verb/OOC
M.verbs -= /mob/verb/WorldTalk
M << "You have been muted by [src]!"

I'll leave the corresponding de-mute verb as an exercise for the reader.
Ummmm....I don't.


In response to Air Mapster
Well,to mte instead of un-muting u put +=
Can you please make it witht eh master gm only,and it keeps saying Error:Mob:Mob expected end of statement.