Can someone list all the demos tha have a free-roaming battle system?

XavierNeo wrote:
Can someone list all the demos tha have a free-roaming battle system?


Why not attemp to make one yourself? I mean if you are making the game you really must know how to code, and by knowing how to code this should be easy to make on your own.
Well, there are very few demos around here right now.

However, the FAQ contains an entry on 'How do I make a battle system?', which would be a good thing to check out for inspiration on what a battle system tends to have.
In response to Darkness
he doesnt know how to code. He also doesnt just want code handed to him. He just wants a list of demos so that he can learn from them. Dont be so hard on newbies.....

In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
he doesnt know how to code. He also doesnt just want code handed to him. He just wants a list of demos so that he can learn from them. Dont be so hard on newbies.....


Exactly what is stopping him from clicking on the 'Demos' link to the left? That, and the numerous other help links under Developers. No one was being hard on him, as far as I can see.

In response to Alathon
Heres a Battle System:
///Leveling System by James"Nadrew"Smith ©2001///

//the next version will come with a html file for easier reading.//
//In this version I removed the Click Attack System since it seemed to be causing errors that many people dunno how to fix and I just think making a Click Attack System will be easy if you use this code and read it well//

//Ok first off we have to make the vars//

mob//This is the player//
var//this will start a var list//
Health=100//This Shows that the var health has a value of 100//
PL = 1000
Level=1//this shows that the var Level has a value of one//
Statup=0//This Shows that the Statup var has a value of Zero//
Exp=0//This Shows that the var Exp has a value of Zero//
MaxHealth=100//This Makes a Max Health var witch Will be used later//
MaxExp=100//This Makes a Max Exp var which will be used later//
//You can make as many vars as you want using this method//

//Now to make a stat panel so the player can see What there Level and Exp//

Stat()//This shows that you are starting a stat panel//
statpanel("Stats")//This Names the statpanel Stats//
stat("Health","[usr.Health]/[usr.MaxHealth]")//This Names the First thing on the Statpanel Health and makes it show the users Health and Max Health on the same line which looks like this 100/100//
stat("Level",Level)//This Names the Second stat on the panel Level and the , then the word Level show you are using the var Level//
stat("Experience","[usr.Exp]/[usr.MaxExp]")//This Names the Third stat in the panel Experience and the , then the word Exp shows you are using the Exp var for that stat and this will look like this 0/100 //

//You can make as many stats as you need as long as you make vars to go with them//

//The File will show you how to make Exp and Level interact//
//As you have Noticed I didn't use the Statup var in the statpanel because it is not nesscery for the usr to see it//

//I assume you have a attack system already but if not I will use a simple verb based one//

mob/verb/Attack(mob/M in oview(1))//This Makes a verb named attack and also makes it so you can't attack yourself//
set src in oview(1)
set category="Attacks"//This Puts the Attack verb under a tab called Attacks//
var/damage=20*usr.Level//This maked a var called damage and makes the damage var when used take 20 times the usrs Level//

usr.MaxPL += rand(10,20)
usr.Exp += 5
src.PL -= 5
usr.Statup+=1//This makes it so for every sucessful attack the usrs Statup var gets one point to it this will come in handy soon//
M<<"[usr] has attacked you"//This tells M player being attack who has attacked him/her//
M.Health-=damage//This puts the Health var and damage var to work it takes the amount defined above from the person being attacked Health//

if(M.Health<=0)//This makes something happen if the person being attacked Health is at zero or below Zero//
world<<"[M] has died"//This Tells the whole game that the person being attacked has died//
M<<"Your Dead"//This Tells the person being attacked that he/she has died//
usr.Exp+=10//This Gives you 10 Experience Points after you have killed someone or you could put this right before the if statement so it will give the Exp everytime you attack someone//
M.loc=locate(2,2,1)//This moves the person being attacked to a location of your choice//

if(usr.Exp>=usr.MaxExp)//This Will make it so you can make something happen if Your Exp excedes your Max Exp in this case it doubles Max Exp and adds a Level//
usr.Level+=1//This makes it so when the usrs Exp is at 100 there level will go up one//
usr.Exp=0//This resets the usrs Exp so it can go up to 100 again and add another Level//
usr.MaxExp+=50//This Doubles the users MaxExp by 2 every time a level is gained
usr<<"You have gained a Level"//This tells the usr that he/she has gained a Level//

//Now its Time to make a sorta statup system//
if(usr.Statup>=20)//This Makes it so you can make something happen if the usrs Statup var has a 20+ value//
usr.Health+=30//This adds 30 to the Health var and to the Health thing on the statpanel//
usr.Statup=0//This resets the usrs Statup to Zero so the next StatRaise will be in 20 more attacks//

In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
Oh, you should know these people care nothing about my system, they beyond it, and that version is really old, why don't you upgrade?
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew, that guy had already been warned by Lee about psoting full length code libs/demos. Is there anything that can be done about him?
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew i can't find your new battle system that you said
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
The new hub system doesn't have it yet, you can find it here.
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
FIREking wrote:
he doesnt know how to code. He also doesnt just want code handed to him. He just wants a list of demos so that he can learn from them. Dont be so hard on newbies.....


Exactly what is stopping him from clicking on the 'Demos' link to the left? That, and the numerous other help links under Developers. No one was being hard on him, as far as I can see.


he isnt that smart. he is my cousin. i wont help him.
