I need a little help on battle systems. I want to make a system like Secret of Mana. I tried to ask FIREking about it, but he sent me here, and I was wondering if you could help me. I just started yesterday programming alltogether. I have up to where I make my map. I'm at the first encounter. But, I got confused. Help...please!
Try being more descriptive about your Question. As far as i can see, i dont even see your question. Maybe ask it in greater detail?

In response to FIREking
Can anyone help me with a free-roaming battle system?
In response to XavierNeo
You are probably refering to real time battle systems, such as diablo. Where there is no turns, no rounds, you just run up and hack this hack that, and the like.

For an example on something like that, please check out the ZBT tutorial, or another similair battle system that are avaiable in the libraries/demos/tutorials sections located under Developers on the left panel of
