Part of one of my procs has a section which looks like this:
var/turf/move_to = locate(5,5,1)

Now, as I understand it, the Move proc should call the Entered proc, which looks sort of like this:
usr << "You have entered [src]."
usr << 'some sound file.mid'

Yet when I run this proc, and usr is moved to the locating, for some reason, Entered() is not called. Does anyone know the cause of this?
WizDragon wrote:
Part of one of my procs has a section which looks like this:
var/turf/move_to = locate(5,5,1)
> usr.Move(move_to)

Now, as I understand it, the Move proc should call the Entered proc, which looks sort of like this:
> Entered()
> usr << "You have entered [src]."
> usr << 'some sound file.mid'

Yet when I run this proc, and usr is moved to the locating, for some reason, Entered() is not called. Does anyone know the cause of this?

Are you sure you have more than one area in the game?

The Step Byond demo uses this, so I know it should work.

In response to Deadron
I have many areas in the game. This is more of what the actual code looks like:
mob/var/current_music  //This is to make it so the same music doesn't start over when you reenter the same area

area/var/area_music //This is the music that is played when you enter a certain area

if(usr.current_music == src.area_music)return
usr << sound(area_music,1)
usr.current_music = src.area_music

area/normal/area_music = 'normal.mid'

area/start/area_music = 'normal.mid'

area/outside/area_music = 'outside.mid'

area/inside/area_music = 'inside.mid'

That's pretty much what it looks like. I can call the Entered() proc manually, but I want to figure out why this isn't working properly.
In response to WizDragon
Have you tried Enter()?

I think my Sound Tutorial has something like this, I forget.