icon = 'Blu.dmi'
icon_state = "blah"
density = 1
set src in oview(2)
var/Invisiyesno = input("blah") in list("Yes", "No")
if(Invisiyesno == "Yes")
if(usr.blahs >= 0)
usr << "I am sorry but you need atleast 1 blah."
else if(usr.blahs <= 1)
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z)
usr.coins -= 1
if(Invisiyesno == "No")
usr << "Ok, come again!"

ok, I neeed some help here. Whats supposed to happen is you walk up to this object and use blahdiddy, it asks you something and if you chose yes and have enough blahs it moves you or else it does nothing. now the problem is I have 1 or more blahs but it still says "I am sorry but you need atleast 1 blah". I have tried making it else, and tried anothr combination. Can I have some help? Also if I reverse it even if you dont have enough blahs it subracts one (making -1) and warps you.
<=1 is less than one

=0 is more than zero

= more or equal

<= less than or equal
The >=0 should be <=0. Eliminate the if() following the else (it's redundant even if you fix it, so it's easier to kill it), and you should be all set.

Lummox JR
Geo wrote:
icon = 'Blu.dmi'
icon_state = "blah"
density = 1
set src in oview(2)
var/Invisiyesno = input("blah") in list("Yes", "No")
if(Invisiyesno == "Yes")
if(usr.blahs == 0)
usr << "I am sorry but you need atleast 1 blah."
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z)
usr.coins -= 1
if(Invisiyesno == "No")
usr << "Ok, come again!"

Try that, and see me in the morning.

-Dr. Love(Sariat)
Im just thanking everybody, It works. hopefully my new game should be out soon (ooooh!)