ok, my problem is this. I have the following code for a transport:
     icon = 'spacetransport.dmi'
          usr.loc = locate(17,37,10)
          usr << "Welcome to the Space Village."

Now when I logon to the game I get the user's message when I login and whenever I walk over the transport, however none of this code is in the Login proc. Further more I use this same format for other transports and it seems to work fine. And in case you are wondering my Login proc has the ..() at the end. Thanks in advance
The default Login() proc tries to locate the player at an uninhabited space on the map. Perhaps it is finding one of these transport turfs, and trying that? In that case, the turf's Enter() proc would be called and you would see that message.

Also, for what you're doing, you probably want to use Entered() instead of Enter(). There's a bit of a difference between the two (see the reference).