I have a KaioKen code and it says inconsistent indentation when it is perffectly indenteted.Would someone please help me? Here is my code:


Kaioken(num as num)
set category = "Attacks"
if(usr.rank >= (num * 13))
if(num == 0)
if(usr.kaioken == 1)
view(6) << "[usr] reverts from Kaioken!"
usr.underlays -= 'kaioken.dmi'
usr.kaioken = 0
usr.str -= usr.kstr
usr.def -= usr.kdef
if( >= usr.maxpl) = usr.maxpl
if( <= usr.maxpl)
usr.exp +=0
if(usr.kaioken == 0)
usr << "You arent in Kaioken!"
if(usr.kaioken == 1)
usr << "You are in Kaioken already!"
if(usr.kaioken == 0) += (num * 8552)
usr.kstr = (num / 2)
usr.kdef = (num / 2)
usr.str += (num / 2)
usr.def += (num / 2)
usr.kaioken = 1
usr.underlays += 'kaioken.dmi'
view(6) << "[usr]body glows from using using Kaioken [num]!!"
view(6) << "[usr] explodes from the overwhelming power of kaioken!"
usr << "Didn't king kai warn you about that?." = -25

The error is the elese() Some one please help me.
The indentation is very and when I say very I mean unholy like, bad I can't help you because this code is very bad.
Vegetto5748 wrote:
The error is the elese() Some one please help me.

An "else" shouldn't be followed by parentheses. The code after it should be intented.

Lummox JR
The pain.. oh, the pain.. not only is he referring his(?) 'code'[1] as 'a code', but the indentation makes my head hurt.

I took a stab at fixing the indentation for you. Your awful style and insane (attempts at?) logic(?), however, are up to you[2].

mob/verb/Kaioken(num as num)
set category = "Attacks"
if(usr.rank >= (num * 13))
if(num == 0)
if(usr.kaioken == 1)
view(6) << "[usr] reverts from Kaioken!"
usr.underlays -= 'kaioken.dmi'
usr.kaioken = 0
usr.str -= usr.kstr
usr.def -= usr.kdef
if( >= usr.maxpl) = usr.maxpl
if( <= usr.maxpl)
usr.exp +=0
if(usr.kaioken == 0)
usr << "You arent in Kaioken!"
if(usr.kaioken == 1)
usr << "You are in Kaioken already!"
if(usr.kaioken == 0) += (num * 8552)
usr.kstr = (num / 2)
usr.kdef = (num / 2)
usr.str += (num / 2)
usr.def += (num / 2)
usr.kaioken = 1
usr.underlays += 'kaioken.dmi'
view(6) << "[usr]body glows from using using Kaioken [num]!!"
view(6) << "[usr] explodes from the overwhelming power of kaioken!"
usr << "Didn't king kai warn you about that?." = -25

Oh, and as a side note. I now hate you. You are an inferior (human?) being.

-- Tarmas.

[1] I use 'code' in the loosest possible sense, here.
[2] Or, more probably, beyond all hope.