Here's a small part of my "randomencounter" code:
(I am using zagreus battle system)

//this was in the mob/proc/randomencounter
spawn(1)new /mob/monster/Thief(locate(M.battlearea.x,M.battlearea.y-3,M.battlearea.z))

//rest of code here

I was wondering how i could make it choose between diferent types of monsters randomly. Could a rand() work here ?

Also, is there a way to add a second monster inside the same battlearea? I was thinking of adding a "||" after the first mob spawned.
Look up pick in the reference for help on random mobs. Yes, you could put multiple mobs in there by using some sort of loop.

In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
Look up pick in the reference for help on random mobs. Yes, you could put multiple mobs in there by using some sort of loop.


Thx, except for the "loop" i'll have to check more for that.

1 last thing...
In this code :

if ("area1")
var/chance = roll(battlechance)
return ..()

If I have more than 1 area, will it work if I add:

if("area1" || "area2" || "..." )

Thx in advance.