I have my list of skills done and all and I have set the skills aswell, you start off with 355 SP (Skill Points) and you can gain 700 and a bonus of 100 SSP (Special Skill Points).

Here is the code:

for(var/S in src.Skills)
stat("[S] - [src.Skills[S]]")

mob/var/Skills = list(7)
mob/var/PossibleSkills = list("Blacksmithy","Healing","Lumbar Jacking","Magery","Stealth","Swordsmanship","Wrestling")

Skills["Blacksmithy"] = 75
Skills["Healing"] = 5
Skills["Lumbar Jacking"] = 50
Skills["Magery"] = 5
Skills["Stealth"] = 50
Skills["Swordsmanship"] = 100
Skills["Wrestling"] = 70
Skills["Blacksmithy"] = 5
Skills["Healing"] = 100
Skills["Lumbar Jacking"] = 5
Skills["Magery"] = 80
Skills["Stealth"] = 80
Skills["Swordsmanship"] = 5
Skills["Wrestling"] = 80
Skills["Blacksmithy"] = 0
Skills["Healing"] = 100
Skills["Lumbar Jacking"] = 5
Skills["Magery"] = 75
Skills["Stealth"] = 75
Skills["Swordsmanship"] = 0
Skills["Wrestling"] = 100
Skills["Blacksmithy"] = 35
Skills["Healing"] = 20
Skills["Lumbar Jacking"] = 60
Skills["Magery"] = 30
Skills["Stealth"] = 60
Skills["Swordsmanship"] = 50
Skills["Wrestling"] = 100

Thing is with that though, when I use the top piece of code:

for(var/S in src.Skills)
stat("[S] - [src.Skills[S]]")


It takes my stats and inventory off and replaces it with "Techniques", but when I dont use this code, Stats and Inventory is there but, Techniques is not, could anyone help me out please?

Add this in
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Add this in
> mob
> statpanel("Inventory",contents)

Thanks Sariat,

Mellifluous wrote:
list("Blacksmithy","Healing","Lumbar Jacking","Magery","Stealth","Swordsmanship","Wrestling")

Lumbar jacking? How exactly does one go about stealing someone else's spine?

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Mellifluous wrote:
list("Blacksmithy","Healing","Lumbar Jacking","Magery","Stealth","Swordsmanship","Wrestling")

Lumbar jacking? How exactly does one go about stealing someone else's spine?

Lummox JR

Ooops sorry hehehe.

Well you sneak up quietly...*CRASH, BANG, BOOM, CRACK!!!* Then you take off the head once you done the above, and then you take the spine and run like hell from the people who are chasing you.


In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Add this in
> mob
> statpanel("Inventory",contents)

When adding that in I get the following:

loading my game.dme bad argument definition

my game.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

How would I get past this? If anyone knows how could you please assist me,

In response to Mellifluous
Heh, i didnt mean add that in EXACTLY, i meant under the Stat() stuff.

In response to Sariat
try looking up statpanel in reference (F1). I'm not sure but I THINK you're missing an argument
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Heh, i didnt mean add that in EXACTLY, i meant under the Stat() stuff.

> mob
> Stat()
> statpanel("Iventory,contents")

Thank you Sariat, I had it on the right lines but like a dope I did the following:

statpanel("Inventory, contents")
for(var/S in src.Skills)
stat("[S] - [src.Skills[S]]")

lol, how stupid.

In response to Mellifluous
Hey, don't sweat it, we all make mistakes. As long as your willing to learn, its all good. Just don't ask for "THE Code" :P

In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Hey, don't sweat it, we all make mistakes. As long as your willing to learn, its all good. Just don't ask for "THE Code" :P


I know :)

I am trying to learn as I go along, kinda hard, but in turn it will be worth it :-D
