Okay. I'm playing around with Deadron's delicious character handling.. but nothing I do seems to be working.

I'm trying to make it save/load player position as well.. I don't see any obvious toggles I should have flicked, or anything.. from what I understand of it, the saved mob's x/y/z should be saved or loaded with it, but it just doesn't look like they are..

Are they? And, if not, how do I make it so?

Oh, and as is required by the unwritten rules of the Newbie Board, I now ask where I can find some l337 c0dez for SSJ, flight and something real lame..

-- Tarmas.

Oh, and as is required by the unwritten rules of the Newbie Board, I now ask where I can find some l337 c0dez for SSJ, flight and something real lame.. </sarcasm>

-- Tarmas.

instead of 1337 c0dez for SSJ

you should have put

1337 񝆑z 4 Ёj

In response to FIREking
I guess that means I'm not l337 enough, then. Curses.. Must find the source of the mysterious DBZ game l337ness..

-- Tarmas.
In response to Tarmas
or UO 1337 d3\/\/d k3\/\/ln3ss.