How would i make it so when some one gets all the Dragonballs and they pick gold for their wis. How could i make it to let them pick there own amount
this is what i have
switch(input("What do you want to wish for","WISHES")in list("Gold","Dont"))
usrL<<"Bummer then huh."
proc/Golds(G as num)

i dont know what else to do with this so can someone please help me Thanks
1. Stop making a dbz game and you'll get alot more help.

2. Please stop making a dbz game it holds no point.

3. Please read 1 and 2 for further details.
In response to Nadrew
you know what nadrew i think you are a fucking asshole just becuase someone is making a dbz game doeant mean they should get helped
oh yah one thing i wouldnt be talking about dbz like that
SSnadrew why the fuck make fun of dbz when your screen name has super saiyan in it huh?
In response to Stimpy
Um... SSnadrew is not registered by anyone. And the person you were replying to's name is Nadrew not "SSnadrew".

In any case i'll give you two pointers. Look at your list and then look at your IF / IF statements. Then lookup the "if proc" in Dream Maker (F1).

Finally, watch your language.
In response to Evilkevkev
I wasnt talking about a BYOND key i was talking about his AIM name
In response to Stimpy
Stimpy wrote:
I wasnt talking about a BYOND key i was talking about his AIM name

That name was made over a year ago when I actually liked dbz and it's not my primary name anymore because I don't like dbz, oh yes please watch the profanity on the forums it can get you banned from them.