I have a chasm that I want mobs to fall into. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how i would make a player's mob move one tile to the right.

Thanks in advance,
Evilkevkev wrote:
I have a chasm that I want mobs to fall into. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how i would make a player's mob move one tile to the right.

Thanks in advance,

You mean

M.loc=locate(the coors for whatever 1 to the right is)
In response to Air _King
I was hoping for something that I could use for an area, transferring to another area but keeping the same y coordinate. It's a span of about 6 y. But if I have to make it like you said, then I guess I will.

In response to Evilkevkev
I tried this with Step but I get a bad argument error.

left //left wall of chasm
Entered(0) //when entered
step(EAST) //step east 1 tile

In response to Evilkevkev
look up the step() proc, you dont have the right arguments.
plus, you arent even telling it to move O.
In response to FIREking
I had O in my code, but i took it out temporarily to try something. I forgot to put it back when I pasted it in here. Anyways the problem was in the Entered proc i had 0(zero) instead of O ("oh")

Thanks for your help.