how do you make a scouter a energy attack?
i have a kamamha anamation but it wont work all the way
Ok to make a scouter do a code like this


And what is an energy attack?

usr << "You attacked the energy"
M << "You got attacked"
usr <<"This is not an energy"

Good luck ;)

How is this self-explanatory???
You assume we know what you are talking about. If we did, I'm sure we wouldn't care.

If you want to make things for your game, you will need to learn how to code. I suggest you read though the Guide, the FAQ, and the Reference. Also complete the ZBT tutorial and check out A Step BYOND. These will give you a good start into the DM language, which is what you need to know in order to make games on BYOND.

Noone is going to give you code for you to hack together, and noone is going to make your game for you. You want the rewards, you do the work. Simple concept, I don't understand why it eludes so many newbies...

In response to BurningIce
BurningIce wrote:
Ok to make a scouter do a code like this


And what is an energy attack?

> if(
> usr << "You attacked the energy"
> M << "You got attacked"
> else
> usr <<"This is not an energy"

Good luck ;)

that the best Energy Attack verb i have ever seen