here is my code:mob/Shop //The name bonzi can be changed to what you want if you want to do that and the turf makes it so you cant attack him(much easier than making him a mob)
icon = 'salesgohan.dmi' //This can also be changed to what you want
set src in oview(2) //I choose oview 2 becuase i like to have my shop keeper behind a desk or you can just use a bump proc.
switch(input("What do you want to buy.","The items shop")in list("armor","hp potion","Nothing")) //You dont have to use the names i provied but if you cange these make sure your if("Sword") changes as well
if("armor")//Checks if you picked the sword
if(usr.zenni>=100)//Checks to see if you have enough gold
usr.contents+=new/obj/Item//This adds the obj you bought to your inventory slot plus you need to make the objects for the stuff to buy
usr.zenni-=100//This takes away gold from the usr
alert("Thanx for buying Bullets.")//You can use usr <<"Thanx for buyin the sword." as well but i prefer alert
else//This means they didnt have enough for it
alert("You don't have enough gold. Please come back with more gold.")
if("hp potion")//Checks if they picked the spear.
if(usr.zenni>=200)//Checks to see if the usr has enough gold.
usr.contents+=new/obj/Item//This adds the obj you bought to your inventory slot plus you need to make the objects for the stuff to buy
usr.zenni-=200//This takes 200 gold away for buying it
alert("Thanx for buying a Gun.")//You can use usr <<"Thanx for buyin the sword." as well but i prefer alert
else//This means they didnt have enough
alert("You dont have enough")
if("Nothing")//This checks to see if the usr picked nothing
alert("Well thanx for stopping by anyways")//This just means they didnt want any

here is the errors:error:/obj/Item:bad path
:error:/obj/Item:bad path

would someone plz help me?
Where do you have

obj/item/armor in your code bad path means that /obj/item doesn't exsist.