Hey, quick question, if anyone knows the answer.

Is it possible to put an overlay on a tile -other- then the tile its tied to?

Say, make a mob called 'body' and a overlay called 'head' and then make it so that the head overlay would be displayed in the tile -above- the body?

*crosses her fingers and hopes for the answer shes hoping for*

And failing that, maybe that should be a function added in ^_~ a lot of other games use overlays as a tile that a mob can walk underneath, thus giving the illusion of 3d ^^;;

Elorien, supa-noob ^_^
Elorien wrote:
Hey, quick question, if anyone knows the answer.

Is it possible to put an overlay on a tile -other- then the tile its tied to?

Say, make a mob called 'body' and a overlay called 'head' and then make it so that the head overlay would be displayed in the tile -above- the body?

*crosses her fingers and hopes for the answer shes hoping for*

And failing that, maybe that should be a function added in ^_~ a lot of other games use overlays as a tile that a mob can walk underneath, thus giving the illusion of 3d ^^;;

Elorien, supa-noob ^_^

Hrm, maybe this is what you're looking for:

(Idea taken from Spuzzum's S_Bubble (????))


src.head = new()

. = ..()
var/turf/T = locate(src.x,src.y+1,src.z)
src.leveler.loc = T
src.leveler.loc = src.loc
return .


Now you would obviously have to set the icon of the head yourself, buy just doing something like:

src.head.icon = 'myicon.dmi'

Hopefully this helps~~

~~Dragoon Buster