(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Im trying to create tabs during runtime... via instant messager or other things that are needed. does anyone know what im doing wrong

for example
winshow(src, "maintab","tabs = mainoutput")

winshow(src, "maintab","tabs = mainoutput,scoutput")
You need to use winset(), not winshow().
i tried that first thinking i messed it up and im still having no luck :(
Do you mean displaying and hiding existing tabs at runtime, or dynamically generating new tabs?

For the latter, I had an experiment that used winclone to duplicate a template window, then add it as a tab. I could probably dig up the code (or see if it already exists online, somewhere), in case it might provide some direction for further research into what might be wrong.
First thing: You need to enclode your code in <dm> ... </dm> tags when posting to the forums, so it will format right.

The winshow needs to be a winset instead, and you also cannot have spaces around the = which is a no-no.

After you fix those, if it's still not working, I would ask: Are mainoutput and scoutput both panes, or are they output controls? The webclient is capable of using any control as a pane, but Dream Seeker absolutely requires a pane. The tabs you set should be the IDs of the panes those controls are in, not the output controls themselves.

Also I would double-check that the windows you made that contain your outputs are in fact marked as panes. If you didn't check the box that says it's a pane, it will be treated as a window, and windows can't be used in tabs either.
Also, you can add and removed tabs using:


"+herp" will add the pane herp, and "-derp" will remove the pane derp.
In response to Ter13
Best response
One caveat: winsets expect data in the form you'd get from urlencode() or list2params(), so the + will actually be interpreted as a space if you use it raw like that. (I know that's kind of annoying. It's an artifact of how the params got setup in the first place, and kind of a pain to change now.) You'd have to encode it as %2c. Or more easily:

winset(client, "tabcontrol", list2params(list("tabs"="+herp,-derp")))
^Good to know.

Honestly, I very rarely if every use any interface elements beyond the browser and map. I tend to do everything else with screen objects, maptext, and HTML/CSS.
Thanks Ter13 and Lummox JR for the help... It works perfect now... :)