(See the best response by Ter13.)
Hello all, I just had a quick question about map layout, and screen wrapping.

Problem description:
I wouldn't really call this a problem, more of a question to ask for a more efficient way. I am trying to animate my battleground, the BG is 512x256 and the animation runs the entire length of the screen. There are 3 tiers of animations on the same screen and each has a different delay. I have found an easier way than what I was going to do, but it still is insanely not efficient. I was going to do a 1 pixel screen wrap then just do the delay for the 3 animations as 4 delay, 2 delay and 1 delay so it gives off the feeling of it being slower. But in doing this it still will need 512 frames which is insane.

So my question is, is there a way to screen wrap through code, or maybe I can make one of the animations a mob and have it do a certain walk path? Because doing 512 screens per 1 pixel seems a.) will cause major lag , and b.) very time consuming.

Thanks in advance.

What is a screen wrap? You are doing that thing again where you are saying a lot of stuff using terminology you haven't established the meaning of to the reader again.

Are you trying to do animated screen wipes prior to a battle sequence?
Scrolling from one side of the screen to the other, essentially wrapping around. dw2sfc3.png for an example the clouds going from left to right in the sky.
Best response
Oh, nevermind that last post then. You are asking about a parallax.

Basically, what you want to do is create a single image that's the width of the screen. Then pop two of them into the screen. animate() them scrolling in a direction so that they will move to the left their entire width. Once they reach the width of the image in the animation, reset them to position 0 and repeat.
So the animate () essentially creates an image, pushes it in one direction and stops until you reset the location of said image? I will have to read up on the animate () , thank you.