(See the best response by Zasif.)
Here's a screenshot to display an example of what I'm currently working with

This is a project I'm working on. I'd like to know how to get the cinematic look on the sides of the map(the black areas) to go away. What I mean is something like full screen, the map touches one side of my screen to the other, no black spaces inbetween when I maximize my browser. If you know how to fix this please help!

Thank You!
Best response
resize_map()//Add it in your Skin map Resize command field like resize-map
set hidden = 1
var s = winget(src, "", "size")// Set where the map is located
var list/dimensions = dd_text2List(s, "x")
var nx = text2num(dimensions[1]), ny = text2num(dimensions[2])
view = "[round(nx / 32)]x[round(ny / 32)]" // Set whatever View you want the player to have its set to 32. I find 48 and 64 to be good also


dd_text2List(text, separator)
var/textlength = lentext(text)
var/separatorlength = lentext(separator)
var/list/textList = new /list()
var/searchPosition = 1
var/findPosition = 1
while (1) // Loop forever.
findPosition = findtextEx(text, separator, searchPosition, 0)
buggyText = copytext(text, searchPosition, findPosition) // Everything from searchPosition to findPosition goes into a list element.
textList += "[buggyText]" // Working around weird problem where "text" != "text" after this copytext().

searchPosition = findPosition + separatorlength // Skip over separator.
if (findPosition == 0) // Didn't find anything at end of string so stop here.
return textList
if (searchPosition > textlength) // Found separator at very end of string.
textList += "" // So add empty element.
return textList

And go to the Skin map and make sure you set it to Stretch icons to fit the map and disable Use Letterboxxing to fit auto scaled map.

Im sure there is better ways of doing this but this is how I do it

Oh my god...

Thank you so much!

This was my end result