(See the best response by Nadrew.)
Hey folks. So I wrote this extremely simple code that displays the client IP address. The problem is that it isn't displaying anything.


I know that the address is a read-only variable but I fail to see why it isn't being displayed. The address returns a string (if I'm not mistaken) so it should be displayed.

Thanks guys.

When running the game locally the host (you) will have an empty client.address.
Why does the host have an empty client.address?

But the clients (not the hoster) that join the game won't have their address empty, correct? That only happens with the host, right?
Only with the host yes, read the reference entry on client.address for more information.
I read the reference, i always do before posting anything but it doesn't explain why the host client address is empty. It only says that it's a read-only value and that has nothing to do with the fact of the host doesn't have a client address. I'm so sorry for bothering you with this but i'm really curious about the reason why the host doesn't have an address.
address var (client)
Default value:
The network address of the player's client.
This is a read-only value which contains the player's network address.
Best response
I'm not sure if it's a technical reason, or if it's just to make detecting the host easier but it's been that way as long as I remember.
Oh, ok. Thanks.
