I'm well aware that you're allowed to make games such as Hentai Hill using Byond, however, I would like to know where the community draws the line for sex and nudity in a game that can appear on the hub.

Here's a random sprite I was drawing:

Now, would this be okay to have in a game that would appear on the hub?

Secondly, would it be okay if a game had an option for player characters to engage in sex?

Okay as to not be removed from the hub. I just want to know where the line is drawn, thanks. This is an honest question inspired by the pixel art forum when I saw some random thing about naked people and it got me started. Oh well, thanks for any and all responses.
so are you asking if you'd be allowed to make a game where the players could have sex O.o
In response to Monkeykid0049
Oopsie, meant to say a game. It's definitely not my perrogative to have a game with sex in it. Thanks for the head's up, I editted it.
In response to Darkdemonrad
k...that was...weird o.O
You can do what you want within your own game, but if you expect BYOND to endorse it, you basically have to assume that people who will be playing it will be ages 12-15 and design accordingly. Anything that would be inappropriate for that age group probably won't go over well.

Simple rule: When in doubt, leave it out.

Unless of course, you don't care what about BYOND's standards. In which case, you can find your can advertise elsewhere. Just make sure your stuff stays off the hub.
Darkdemonrad wrote:
I'm well aware that you're allowed to make games such as Hentai Hill using Byond

i wouldnt exactly say its allowed, considering it got me banned from byond
In response to Falacy
I thought it was the repeated creation of the hub entry's that did that?
In response to Darkdemonrad
lol this is like saying youre allowed to steal and kill people as long as nobody knows about it
In response to Darkdemonrad
Darkdemonrad wrote:
I thought it was the repeated creation of the hub entry's that did that?

That's what I heard. Staff told him to stop, he wouldn't stop, so they banned him.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
That's what I heard. Staff told him to stop, he wouldn't stop, so they banned him.

i remade the hub 1 time, and since there were no real rules against it it was total BS
In response to Falacy
If they tell you not to do something, that would probably mean that it's, if nothing else, a rule now.
In response to Popisfizzy
lol they didnt tell me anything, they just deleted it
and i dont feel like talking about this, ive already been over every possible argument about it with the army of noobs that populate byond, and i dont feel like going over it yet again

In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
lol they didnt tell me anything, they just deleted it

That's a pretty damn good indicator. If a forum post is deleted, that means it shouldn't have been there to begin with, and it's exactly the same with the hub.
i think the big question is, why do you want a guy with his junk hanging out in your game so badly? what good can come of it?
In response to Masterdan
It's just a question, I really don't have any intention to add it to my game. That sprites was just a quick sketch, I was just curious.
In response to Darkdemonrad
the policy, as mentioned, is that you can do what you want with your game, but if it contains this type of material, it will not be welcome on the BYOND Hub. you can, of course, host and advertise elsewhere outside of BYOND.

thread closed.