(See the best response by Maximus_Alex2003.)
I want create a spawn menu for example; to spawn mobs or items.

So I want to be able to create a verb that brings up a list of all the mobs or items defined in the code for spawning.

How do I do this?
I prefer simple code, like this:
set name = "SpawnItem"
set category = "GM"
var/varItem = input("Item to spawn","Spawn Item") in typesof(/obj/Items) + list("Cancel")
if(varItem == "Cancel")
new varItem(locate(src.x,src.y,src.z))

but if you want create this in interface, try procs

Sorry for my english.
Best response
I don't have anything to show yet, but I've been working on something like this, if I get you right.

I'm using a method with interface objects, specifically a grid that will auto-populate with the type I want, and then buttons for certain controls like changing variables, and a click-to-add which is a button that will allow me to select the atom in the grid, then click on the map and it will create a new instance of that atom, whether it's /mob, /obj, /turf, etc.
The white middle box is the grid. It gets populated when I click one of the three type buttons above. The editor button allows me to click on a type on the map and edit it from there, the bottom box will populate with various pre-defined variables that aren't game-breaking (although if you really wanted to you could allow all variables to show up, but changing one could possibly break something in real-time) and then you just click the variable and an input box comes up.

The actually editor itself isn't visible except to certain pre-coded keys (it shows on the main window as a seperate button which will call winshow()/winset().
That's brilliant, thanks guys, I like the grid idea. I think I know how I could use it.. thanks so much!!