Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Basically have the Shoutbox go to the member's page.
Currently right now, if you visit a member's page and click the Shoutbox, it will redirect you to an expanded version of the shoutbox. There is no current way, except to go to Page 1 and click the name of the member and visit their page, or use the Back button on your browser, or re-type the url for the member page. Basically just make the "[Member]'s Shoutbox a hot-link to the member's page.

Nothing too big or highly demanding. I just find myself browsing through a lot of shoutboxes and noticed that there's no direct way back to the member's page when it's not entirely difficult to make the [Member]'s Shoutbox a link back instead of plain text.