BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium
Web Browser:Chrome 42.0.2311.135
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
There seems to be some issue with the way tab ordering works in the interface. The map (or a map) control still seems to hold a higher status in places regardless of the order with which it has been set in the tab control; It seems to me like some aspects were either somewhat overlooked, or that interacting with things doesn't quite work the way you expect according to tab ordering.

To illustrate, here is a gif showing some basic actions i tried carrying out within my example dmf file Gif Here.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: Covered above in gif.

Expected Results: To be able to have all actions take place on the correct control naturally (without needing to use the controls menu), i.e the control over which my mouse pointer lies, that is also the closest to the top in tab order should always get priority.

Actual Results: As seen on Tv in the gif.

When does the problem NOT occur?: Never, i don't think.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.) :unsure to be honest, but i did notice this happen while i still had 506.

....yeah that's about it.

Whoever said a picture is worth a thousand words wasn't talking about trying to follow along with an animated GIF with no explanatory text. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at or what's wrong.

I've found in bug reports, GIFs are good for illustrating problems but absolutely worthless for explaining them. This case is no exception. I need some detailed information on this.
Ok, so one thing is the map, when initially focussed, will not pass focus to the buttons or other controls in front of it in the tab order when they're clicked on. Instead i have to go through the controls menu to select them. I don't think that quite makes sense.

The other, is that when trying to do things like cut-ing while already selecting the control, it'll fail to work as expected and instead default to the map control for whatever reason. right-clicking to open on the context menu will cause your selection to switch to the map. So it seems like without short-cut keys you can't further do things like cutting and so on.. in the grand scheme of things, might be more minor than anything, but at the time i noticed this, it was pretty inconvenient.

Edit: Just to clarify, what i was trying -rather poorly now i look at it- to show in the first part of the gif, was how stubbornly the map control was stuck to by the select option, but ultimately it isn't actually relevant, i've checked and realised that whichever control you're on before trying stuff like 'esc' to remove focus or clicking on menu things to switch it, and so on, it'll all act the same. So yeah... You can ignore that *cough*.

On a related note, could you maybe allow the escape-key to be used within the interface as a (or another if one already exists) way to un-select all controls?
Short Version: Map objects that take up the entire pane will have more focus over objects that are higher layered and placed on top of the map object than the map objects when doing certain things like right-click.
In response to Turboskill
Turboskill wrote:
Ok, so one thing is the map when initially focussed will not pass focus to the buttons or other controls in front of it in the tab order when they're clicked on. Instead i have to go through the controls menu to select them. I don't think that quite makes sense.

I don't follow. Do you mean if a button is in front of the map, clicking the button won't select it? (If so I can think of a reason that's probably happening, though if I'm right it'll be a pain in the butt to fix.)

Another, is that when trying to do things like cut-ing a control (only tried that as shown in the gif, but i suspect this will be the same for copy and so on?) while already selecting a control, it'll fail to work as expected and instead default to the map control for whatever reason. If you were to go through with the action like i did eventually with the attempted cutting of those 4 buttons in the gif, it'll instead take place on the map control. That seems also like something that shouldn't be the case.

I think I see what you mean about the cut/copy in your GIF. Originally I thought you had right-clicked on the map instead of a button, but I see that's not the case; it's clearing the selection on right-click and replacing it with the map, which is wrong.

If you have a test project (just the skin is all I need, really) that has those controls, that would be very helpful. Hopefully I can reproduce the exact same case that way.

As a workaround for any issues with cut and copy, I would just use keyboard shortcuts for that for now.
Haha, when editing coincides with new posts >.>.

But yes Lummox, all you've concluded is what i meant to communicate.

And skin file? Ok.
I noticed this and it really annoys me. I am unable to select the object without using the menu to select the controls as you did.

And it's also very very annoying. I don't work with skins often but when I do this always messes me up as I start to drag controls I didn't want to around as it's not selecting the proper control due to the bug mentioned here.