(See the best response by FKI.)

Problem description:

I am trying to get the pixel location and I am using Click(), the reason for this is I have an object where only the bottom half of the image should be clickable for interaction, so I would see that y>32 since it's 64 pixels tall.

Is there any way I can do this or must I split them up into separate atoms?
Best response
I think you want to see the params arg in the reference.
In response to FKI
Thanks, I was thinking the "location" paremeter was what I wanted, but it wasn't giving me any info, this was for my HUD though, so it's not suprising after reading the reference I didn't get anything from it.

I didn't think to check the params arg as I had thought it only included what type of click it was, not where you clicked as well.
I think this might be much easier and more efficient if we could have a separate mouse_opacity for images.