
It's not enough to know Java, C++, and Python. Next we gotta learn Assembly. Because why not? Pokemon Red and Blue were written in Assembly so it can't be that bad, right?
I wanna learn lolcode.
Assembly can be tedious to work with, but it can boost your programming ability drastically. This can help with just about everything related to programming such as knowing how stacks work, memory management, and more.

It has even aided my C++ programming skills for many programs.
I have been spending the past two day's reading Pokemon Crystal's assembly code (way better looking than RBGY), it has actually gotten me interested in learning assembly variants of Z80.
Indeed, I'd recommend learning assembly to anyone. Although my assembly's so rusty I should get a refresher, because I don't know anything about modern processor instructions; I only know the basic 8086 assembly. (Well, and years ago I knew 6502, and I have a book on my shelf somewhere for Z80 from a college electronics course.)
Yeah, you need to refresh your ASM every few years to be useful with it.
I'm actually learning quite a bit about what's actually going on behind the scenes. It's hard, but I love it.
That's essentially the benefit, Lugia.

In a practical and professional sense I've never had call to write any ASM to date, but understanding what's going on at that level has been helpful in reasoning over why X subtle problem has occurred in other languages, or some Linux process I am debugging etc.