Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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Can we get a variable for atoms that controls the updating of frames?
Something like updating_frames or u_frames or something, in which when it's 0, it'll stop updating the frames for an atom. Not sure if it would be feasible for flick(), but yeah this would be pretty cool to have in.
I think this would be better as an animation_speed variable. 0 would be not playing (but which frame stays?) and 2 would animate twice as fast.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
I think this would be better as an animation_speed variable. 0 would be not playing (but which frame stays?) and 2 would animate twice as fast.

Yeah I like this a lot better. And it would just stay at the frame it's on when it hits 0.
Pausing an icon animation on its current frame really isn't compatible with the way they work, I'm afraid. It'd take a lot of modification to support something like that.