Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
kinda like, GetPixel or icon_states(), I wanna be able to do something like
GetDelays("idle") and return a list of numbers.
Better reading of icon info is actually a big priority for me; this has been missing for some time.

I'm loosely toying with the idea of altering or augmenting the /icon datum to handle some of this stuff.
So we good?!
Something like this is in my future plans, although it hasn't taken a specific shape yet.
Fair enough :)
In the meantime, you can use something like DMI Icon Info to grab the delays:
var/dmi_info/info = new("icons/myicon.dmi")
var/list/delays = info.GetStateDelay("idle")

Although, I never got around to compiling a Linux SO library, so if you want to host on Linux that's no help.
oh thanks!