Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
The ability to have a child show a pane centered.

Currently you can set 2 panes in a child and lock the splitter to 50%. However, there is no option to set 1 pane in a child, and have that pane centered. The current, without a center option, is #1 in the picture below. The suggested center option would result in #2. Black being the child, blue being the pane.

I believe there is a possible work-around that involves re-sizing the pane, but re-sizing a pane is a pain in the pane.
The pane should take the size of the child container when it's the only one present. Therefore the best option is to simply anchor all its contents to 50,50.
In response to Lummox JR
Ah, okay. I just figured there would be a 1-click process instead of going through every object and setting anchor to other and 50,50. Maybe add another button next to AutoAnchor for Anchor 50,50?