for(var/Column = 1 to 7)
var/Grid/G = new
G.screen_loc = "map2:0,[Column]"
src.client.screen += G

Problem description:

So, in my code, I'm creating a manual Grid because the Interface Grid does not support backgrounds. Point is, I believe Screen Loc is bugged or I am messsing up somewhere. I basically created a Second Map is a different Window, then applied a 192x42 icon onto the map. I want the icon to appear after the other, but I get black bars in between them. Think you guys know the issue?

Is it safe to assume your world icon-size is something like 64x64?

How is the map object set up? Are you giving it strict view size, or stretch-to-fit?
Aside from the fact that your world.icon-size is obviously 64x64, you're mixing up rows and columns. In screen_loc it goes in x,y order. Even though you called your var Column, you're really dealing with rows. So your screen objects are appearing from 0:1 to 0:7. (Incidentally, you can just use "map2:0:1 to map2:0:7" on a single object.)
My icon size is 64x64 on the main map. Is there anyway to make it different on the second map?

Edit: Also, the strict view size is 64

From screen_loc reference:
"It is also possible to specify a pixel offset. Screen objects do not use pixel_x and pixel_y for this purpose, because it is intended that an object could exist on the map and in the screen object list simultaneously, so positioning must be independent. Pixel offsets are specified after a colon like this: "1:16,1:16". In this case the object is shifted to the northeast by 16 pixels."

It should be possible to place them with an offset, shift them up or down as you see fit.

In response to WorldWideDuelist
WorldWideDuelist wrote:
My icon size is 64x64 on the main map. Is there anyway to make it different on the second map?

Nope. It's universal.