Problem description:
I was reading a C++ book and I ran across something that is an alternative to looping through lists.
I was wondering what the DM equivalent would be and how to set one up - nodes.

Which is basically an item that then has sub items to the left and right.
The theory is that each level of a node that you do "down" eliminates up to half the items you have to look through.

so A leads to B and C, while B leads do D and E, and C leads to F and G, and so on.

I was curious how this could be applied to other things like atoms. It seems pretty useful. Any ideas?
Hi buddy, how are you?

I personaly don't like to work with C++ so please forgive me if I make any mistakes. A node in c# looks like this (I guess that a node in C++ is similar, at least it does the same thing):
    public class Node { //Setting up the node class

public object information;
public Node nextNode;

public Node(object data) {
this.information = data;
this.nextNode = null;
Then you would create a node in c# (smilar to C++)by doing this
            Node newNode = new Node(1);
newNode.nextNode = new Node(2);
newNode.nextNode.nextNode = new Node(3);

I wrote a code in DM that does pretty much the same thing (it is the equivalente to the C++ and C# node system):

Node //This is the node class
parent_type = /datum
var/Data //This is where you store your data
var/Node/Next //This is the a possible future subNode

New(object) //This is the Node builder
Data = object //It sets the Node class Data variable to a value
Next = null //It sets the next Node to null

proc/Print(N, /var/Node) //This is simply to show you that this Node Class works
world<<N:Data //Shows the current Node Data value
if(N:Next <> null) //If the next node is NOT null then
Print(N:Next) //Let's call the print function again using the next Node

var/Node/myNode = new /Node (1) //Let's give life to our first node
myNode.Next = new /Node(2) //The next subnode
myNode.Next.Next = new /Node(3) // the next subnode
myNode.Print(myNode) //Now let's display all the nodes values to show you that this works
Use the node Class that I wrote in DreamMaker and you shouldn't have any problems.

Thanks for the challenge :D

var data, node/next

New(Data, Next)
data = Data
next = Next

world << data
if(next) next.Print()

var node/my_node = new (1, new (2, new (3)))

Nodes of what sort of data structure? A linked list? Double-linked list? Ring? Dequeue? Tree? Heap? BYOND can do all of those with datums.

It sounds like you're describing a binary search tree. Making your own trees can be useful. Although, BYOND already uses binary trees for associative lists, so wherever feasible you're better off relying on the internal behavior which is faster.
This is all insightful but I think the closest answer was the one Lummox Jr gave with associative lists, could you show a small example of that?

I'm more interested in using it for things like finding players in a list or finding certain items in a list.
Do you mean like Dictionaries ?
        public Dictionary<string, int> Dic = new Dictionary<string, int>(); //Sets the dictionary
public int TestDIC(){
Dic.Add("A", 1); //Adds The key A and the correspondent value 1 to the dictionary
Dic.Add("B", 2); //Adds the key B and the correspondent value 2 to the dictionary

return Dic["A"]; //This will return 1


You said that you read something in your C++ book ("I was reading a C++ book and I ran across something that is an alternative to looping through lists"). I guess that the book as an exemple of what it looks like. Could you post it for me please (so I can help you better)? I am much more familiar with C# than C++ but I'll give it a try.
You might make a player dictionary that associates a player's key to the player's mob:
var key2mob[0]

key2mob[key] = src

Then, given a key, you can instantly get the mob with that key with key2mob[that_key], instead of looping through and checking the key of every client.

Something like that?