Verb panels could fail in some cases, causing stats not to update properly either.
BYOND Version:508
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 43.0.2357.124
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (508.1290)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Statpanel / Verb panel not updating properly in webclient. I am working on a turn based battle system and using the statpanel to show debug information, as well as add remove commands based on whose turn it is. In the client, everything works and updates properly, however when I run the game in dream deamon and connect via the webclient, the visuals are not updating properly. I have reason to believe it is purely a visual problem, because a verb is usable when its your turn, and unusable when it is not. The verb is supposed to be taken from the mob (and it is, in dream seeker).

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/_battle/b = battle
var/list/l =

stat("battle:", b)
stat("round:", b.round)
stat("turn [b.turn]:", "[l[b.turn]]")


parent_type = /obj/

round = 1
turn = 0
parts [0]
timer_total = 6
timer = 6

turnMob = null


m.verbs += typesof(/mob/currentPlayer/verb)

m.verbs -= typesof(/mob/currentPlayer/verb)

Expected Results:
properly updated visual of stat and verb panel

Actual Results:
improper updates/visuals

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every Time
In other games? NA
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? NA

When does the problem NOT occur?
In the dream seeker client.

oh, there is also a timer that could effect things.


parent_type = /obj/

round = 1
turn = 0
parts [0]
timer_total = 6
timer = 6

turnMob = null


if(timer > 0)
timer --
spawn(10) timer()
else if(timer == 0)
timer = timer_total
I'm a little unclear on what's supposed to be changing and what isn't. The mob itself isn't being output to the statpanel, so only the verbs should change. Is it that the verb panel isn't changing? I don't see anything in the stat portion I would expect to change.

A demo would really clarify this for me (as well as make it easier to fix). Also it'd be good to know the exact 508 build you're using, since this is a beta bug.
I PM'd the source to you. I would host but it is only single player capable right now. Multiple connections is hazardous. It is very small you shouldn't have any trouble navigating it.
Thanks. I'll take a look and see what I can find.

It's likely that a fix for this will shake out of DSification, but I've been doing minor fixes as I go along because DSification will still take a bit.
Thank man, keep up the good work!
I found an error in the verb panel handling that explains the issue. Probably this was throwing a JS error in your console. I fixed the issue and the problem doesn't appear for me now.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Verb panels could fail in some cases, causing stats not to update properly either.
Awesome! You are the man!