I'm working on a generic space shooter (in Unity of course). Anyway, I really don't know why people say Unity is hard to get rolling. A lot of the features are really user friendly and I don't want this to become a "Unity is better" post so I'll stop it there.

So the link is here. I made that in practically a day. I'm gonna work on networking sometime this week and hopefully by the end of it anyone that chooses to play will be able to do so and enjoy playing with their friends.

Mouse moves camera - You will always move in the direction you're facing
W/S - W speeds up, S slows down
A/D - A rolls to the left, D rolls to the right
X/Space - X is immediate stop, Space is max speed
Click - Click to shoot little tictacs. (You can destroy blocks this way)
Not much to it, but it's a start! I've been using Unity for the past 2 years and it's easy to work with. Networking isn't too difficult. If you need any help with it you can give me a page.

I check BYOND once or twice a week now.
I like UE4 more than Unity; it's cheaper and blueprints makes prototyping a breeze.