BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 38.0
Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
The forum search is lacking performance.

I just created a topic called "undefined proc or verb" and if you search the string "undefined proc or verb" it shows no results, however, there have been multiple posts with (obviously) those 4 words.

The expected result is to show all results for "undefined", "proc", "or", and "verb" and by default sort by relevance (whichever post has the most of the 4 words so a post with the words "undefined proc or" would come first before "undefined proc" and "undefined". At the current moment, it just doesn't work as it's expected to.
There's a recent thread on this; it's the two-letter word messing it up. I'm going to look into it when I can. Meanwhile the best option is to quote it (double quotes around a phrase should still work), or leave out the two-letter word.