In response to JohnReaper
(some word) = oracle. Think of things that can be tied, and are related to Alexander the Great (What other alexander could it be? :P)...

Most of this website you'll have to scrounge around on search engines to find out what clues mean.

In response to Kunark
Oh, so it's probably some ad for that new "Alexander the Great" movie coming out...

In response to Kujila
No, it's a reference to Gordius's knot, a legand about Alexander. When Gordius made this totally super-complex knot, he challenged people to untie it. Alexander took one look at it, and just cut it with his sword.
In where it says, "Asia Awaits" make sure to turn word-wrap off. That is kind of an unfair tactic he put in, especially when usually people don't even know that it is red text above a background.

For the next page, the other language is Dutch if you can't figure out which language it is.

Since search engines don't seem to bring this up, and yet you need it, I will post it here. Some parts of this book needs to be read in a lot of clues:

A really odd book, called DANCE DANCE DANCE:

For the second light up on the darkness page, think history.

When you get to the face-in-the-tree page, you will almost certainly know it is talking about a popular movie. This clue is really all you need from this page... It kinda sends you on a wild goose chase and makes you frustrated with all the clues that don't really do anything (yet anyways). Relate it to the page before with the lights, somewhat. Also, it helps ALOT if you know about the movie, and characters.
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