Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
When bars came out they were really nice and had a lot of interesting new uses, but over time I've noticed that there's some problems with them that have always irked me.

Bar Style: Currently, the style of the bar is one that looks very much like a 3D bar with a form of lighting to it. An option to use a 2D bar, which uses only solid flat colors would be much appreciated, as the 3D art style of the current bars clashes with the visual style of many games. A simple tickbox to select the non-default option would be appreciated.

Anti-Aliasing: Not sure if this is possible, but I notice that when using the circular bar option (clockwise/counterclockwise directions) there is a whole lot of aliasing going on, and when viewed against the map, it doesn't mesh well. This would bring usefulness to the circular bar style as it currently looks very bad, and may be the main reason why it seems so unused.
I don't know how easy it'd be to remove the anti-aliasing, but I think is-flat would be feasible as an option. I'm pretty sure there's already a feature request for that somewhere.
Nono, don't remove AA, add it! Currently it's pixelated and blocky. If it can't be done or is way too difficult, that's understandable.

Oh. Adding anti-aliasing against the map wouldn't be feasible.
2D/Flat Bar has been requested before, and pretty much everyone's agreeing it would be aesthetically pleasing to add.
A work around is using a label with an image sized for it and just scaling the label based on the percent :)
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Oh. Adding anti-aliasing against the map wouldn't be feasible.

I'm guessing it has to do with the whole windows alpha thing?

If that's the case, I think Win10 has built in support for it unlike the current versions. Perhaps in the future, once Win10 is around for a while, it can be an option for those who use Win10?

Also, I edited the post to add a feature that I forgot to include o__o