(See the best response by Lummox JR.)

Problem description:

Currently, my entire game is in a 32x32 size format. However I wanted to make a new character icon. The character icon is actually 40x40. Is there a way to still use this larger character icon if everything around it is still set to 32x32? I edited the character boundries with bound_width = 40 and bound_height = 40. But now it seems that my character is bumping into items that are not close to my character seem to be stopping me from walking. Also when I log into the game on the creation screen it shows the icon to choose that character as its normal size but once I use that icon and log in it shriks my actual character to roughly 15x15. Is there any way around this without changing everything?
Best response
I'm not sure about the shrinkage problem without more info. If your icon is 40x40 and you want the actual bounds to be 40x40, then you've done that correctly. If you only want the 40x40 icon to be visual only, not affecting the bounds, then you should leave the bounds as their defaults.
The bound_x is your starting X point of your bounding box.
The bound_y is your starting Y point of your bounding box.

The bound_height is how tall your box is.
The bound_width is how wide your box is.

If you're icon is 40x40, and the actual visual object of your icon(let's say poorly drawn example /mob for example) is only 10pixels x 10pixels, you'll want a bound_x and bound_y on the lower-left hand corner of the example /mob. So, for this example it will be at 10x10. Then you'll want a bound_height of 10, and a bound_width of 10. This will give you a bounding box of 10x10 surrounding the example /mob, and leaving the rest of the 40x40 icon to be "non-dense" or irrelevant.

step_size = 40
bound_x = 10
bound_y = 10
bound_height = 10
bound_width = 10

Here's a visual aid:

As far as the shrinkage, it sounds like view or stretch-to-fit is in play.
How do you have your map set up in the interface file? Is it set on a specific size or stretch-to-fit?
Sorry internet went out after I posted yesterday. I have my map as stretch to fit, but its only the character icon itself that shrinks for some reason. All of the turf and npc icons are the regular size.
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This is what happens, The skins on the left are your choices. The larger one on the left is the new one I want to use. But when I choose it and make it my character icon you can see how my icon gets very small.
Is everything on the screen a map/screen_objs or is it different interface objects like maps/labels/buttons.

I'm not exactly sure what's going on without looking at the code, but I'm going to assume it's either something to do with icon_size, or icon procedures that may be running, or it almost looks like a map object on-top of another map-object.
No I have them coded as turfs, that you click on to choose. I place them on screen manually. I used this code but had no success.

icon_size = 40
bound_x = 10
bound_y = 10
bound_height = 10
bound_width = 10
In response to Diablohunter17
Well, you're not supposed to copy+pasta. The code is example. You need to change the variables to match your game as the example is just to show proof of how-to since we don't have access to your game's source.

As far as the icon being shrunk, it's not relative to the bound_x, bound_y, bound_height, and bound_width. Also, I apologize as icon_size is a /world var, not a /mob var. I meant to put step_size.

When you click on the smaller choices, your icon doesn't shrink? It only shrinks when you click on the large choice, correct?
Correct, I am guessing it is taking that new icon and compressing it to fit into the 32x32 pixel size.
If you're calling icon.Insert(), that would explain the downscaling very well. When you insert into an icon of a different size, the inserted icon is scaled to fit.
I just use the code icon='MaleTan.dmi'
